Delta Xi Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International and
Kent State University College of Nursing present
Have you ever wondered why, in a profession of intelligent, caring people, we deal with problems that have been around for a long time, only to have them return over and over?
Issues in nursing and healthcare are increasingly complex and demand innovative solutions to ensure safety, quality, satisfaction, and cost effectiveness. Traditional problem-solving methods are ineffective in dealing with many issues, because their underlying dynamic consists of polarities, rather than problems. Polarities are interdependent pairs (opposite poles) of values or alternate points of view that appear different or unrelated (as in the figure above depicting a vase and two silhouettes). Polarity thinking is an approach to practice issues that do not resolve with traditional problem-solving approaches. Polarity Thinking recognizes and leverages contributions from both "sides" (poles) of the issue, thus creating "both-and," rather than "either-or" solutions.. In this interactive presentation, participants will learn the skills of polarity thinking and apply it to situations in their nursing practice and organizations.
Bonnie is the founder of the Clinical Practice Model Resource Center and the Bonnie Wesorick Center for Healthcare Transformation at Grand Valley State University in Michigan, which is the home of The Interprofessional Institute for Polarity Thinking in Healthcare. The Institute educates and provides resources to individuals and organizations to manage and leverage complex polarities to achieve sustainable transformation. Bonnie has led workshops on polarity thinking to thousands of healthcare providers in North America, in clinical settings and conferences including HIMSS, AONE, Sigma Theta Tau, CHIME, and National Academies of Practice (NAP). She helped design the original instrument to evaluate how organizations manage polarities, and was the primary investigator on reliability and validity studies of the Polarity Assessment Tool for healthcare.
This activity will provide 2.0 contact hours. Kent State University College of Nursing (OH-023 Expiration Date 08-1-2017) is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Ohio Nurses Association (OBN-001-91), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.
Free parking is available in the R16 lot, in front of White Hall on the corner of State Route 59 (Main St.) and Terrace Rd.
Copies of Bonnie's book, Polarity Thinking: The Missing Logic to Achieve Healthcare Transformation, will be available for purchase and signing.
By July 1st
By August 1st
By August 15th
STTI members
Non-STTI members
Contact: [email protected]